
Of course you are welcome to use your photos from our events for your private purposes.
Please cite photo credit photographer + The Lindy Cats – thank you!

Lindy Cats Semester Closing Party June 2024

Danke an Peter Pichler fürs fotografieren!

All the Cats Join In Workshopweekend mit Spela und Jure – April 2024

special thanks to Esra Tüzü for the great photos!

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10 Jahre Lindy Cats Birthday Jam – 2024

special thanks to Matjaž Vertuš for the great photos!

Lindy Cats Festival 2023

special thanks to Grega Bohinc for the great photos!

Retrospective of the Welcome Party

…and bring the joy into your living room with a few photos from Saturday’s party

Over far too quickly, we dance towards the end at the Farewell Party