Lindy Cats


We are an association in Graz that has dedicated itself entirely to swing dancing.

We organise free dance evenings (called ‘socials’ in Lindy Hop jargon) in Graz. At these socials, we are also happy to show interested parties the basics. Since 2014, we have been organising a series of workshops on various swing dances (Lindy Hop, Collegiate Shag, Charleston, Balboa) at different levels.

As an association organised on a voluntary basis, the swing dance community in and around Graz is particularly important to us. The community is growing and thrives on the different people involved and their special interests and commitment. We therefore welcome all those who share the concerns of our organisation and contribute their ideas and energy to our events, socials and workshops.

We want to bring dance to the public! That’s why we also dance at concerts, in parks or squares in the city, at picnics in the city park or to the sounds of swinging bands in the streets of Graz and other Styrian towns.

We are also interested in the history and culture of swing dancing: from the beginnings of jazz in New Orleans to gender roles in the 1920s and the Integrated Ballrooms in New York to the Viennese Schlurfs and their lifeworld/youth cultural resistance to the Nazi regime. We see ourselves as guests in a music and dance culture with Afro-American roots. We organise film screenings and discussions on these topics.

We Lindy Cats value the sense of community and the idea of inclusion that is widespread in swing dance scenes all over the world. In the spirit of this openness, we ask for mutual respect.

We take a clear stance against any form of discrimination.

We endeavour to communicate openly and respectfully and to respect our own and others’ boundaries and needs. This also means that we do NOT tolerate any form of physical or verbal violence, such as – but not limited to – racist, sexist, homophobic or defamatory comments.

Our aim is to create an open space in which we respect the cultures and personalities of all participants and treat each other with appreciation and curiosity.


Questions, suggestions, ideas? feel free to contact us at:

Pictures, news, recommended content can be found on facebook and Instagram.